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Art Exhibition Agreement template
Art Exhibition Agreement sample

What is Art Exhibition Agreement?

Art Exhibition Agreement An agreement for hosting art exhibitions, specifying exhibition details, display terms, commissions, and responsibilities.

Sample template:

Art Exhibition Agreement

This Art Exhibition Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Artist Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Artist") and Gallery of Creative Horizons (hereinafter referred to as the "Gallery"), collectively referred to as the "Parties".

1. Exhibition Details

1.1. Exhibition Period

The Gallery shall host an exhibition of the Artist's artwork (hereinafter referred to as the "Exhibition") beginning on [Start Date] and ending on [End Date].

1.2. Artwork Selection

The Artist shall provide a list of artworks to be exhibited at the Gallery. The selection of artworks for the Exhibition shall be subject to mutual agreement between the Parties.

1.3. Delivery and Installation

The Artist shall be responsible for delivering the selected artworks to the Gallery by [Delivery Date] and shall bear all costs and risks associated with such delivery. The Gallery shall be responsible for the installation and display of the artworks within the Exhibition space.

2. Display Terms

2.1. Presentation

The Gallery shall use its best efforts to display and promote the artworks in a professional and attractive manner, ensuring proper lighting, placement, and labeling of the artworks.

2.2. Insurance

The Gallery shall maintain insurance coverage for the artworks during the Exhibition period, protecting against theft, damage or loss of the artworks (excluding any loss caused by the Artist's negligence).

2.3. Handling and Care

The Gallery shall handle and care for the artworks in accordance with industry standards, taking all reasonable precautions to prevent damage or loss.

3. Commissions

3.1. Commission Agreement

In the event that any artwork is sold during the Exhibition period or within [Number] days after the conclusion of the Exhibition, the Artist shall pay the Gallery a commission of [Percentage] % on the total sale price (exclusive of taxes) of the artwork(s).

3.2. Payment Procedure

The Gallery shall remit the total sale price (less the agreed commission) to the Artist within [Number] days of the Gallery's receipt of payment from the buyer. The Gallery shall provide the Artist with a written statement detailing the sale, including the buyer's information and the total sale price.

4. Responsibilities of the Parties

4.1. Artist's Responsibilities

(a) The Artist shall provide the Gallery with all necessary information related to the artworks, including titles, descriptions, medium, dimensions, and pricing.

(b) The Artist warrants that all artworks provided for display and sale are original works created by the Artist and that the Artist owns all copyrights and intellectual property rights in and to the artworks.

(c) The Artist shall indemnify the Gallery for any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from or related to any breach of the warranties provided in this Agreement.

4.2. Gallery's Responsibilities

(a) The Gallery shall use its best efforts to promote the Exhibition and the Artist's artworks, including advertising and promoting the Exhibition in appropriate media outlets.

(b) The Gallery shall keep accurate records of all sales transactions and provide the Artist with a periodic sales report during the Exhibition period.

(c) The Gallery shall return any unsold artworks to the Artist within [Number] days after the conclusion of the Exhibition, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties.

5. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

5.1. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States.

5.2. Dispute Resolution

Any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, whether written or oral, relating thereto.

6.2. Amendments and Waivers

This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by both Parties. No waiver of any term or condition of this Agreement shall be deemed a continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition of this Agreement.

6.3. Assignment

This Agreement may not be assigned by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

___________________________ ___________________________
[Artist Name] Gallery of Creative Horizons
[Artist Signature] [Authorized Signatory]

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Main Sections of an Art Exhibition Agreement

In this Art Exhibition Agreement, you will see the following sections:

  1. Exhibition Details
  2. Display Terms
  3. Commissions
  4. Responsibilities of the Parties
  5. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
  6. Miscellaneous

About each Section - Analysis and Summary:

  1. Exhibition Details : This section outlines the specifics of the exhibition, such as the duration, artwork selection, and delivery and installation responsibilities. Think of it as the "what, when, and where" of the exhibition.

  2. Display Terms : This part focuses on how the gallery will present the artwork, including insurance coverage, handling, and care. It's like the gallery's promise to treat the artwork with respect and professionalism.

  3. Commissions : This section explains the financial arrangement between the artist and the gallery, including the commission percentage and payment procedures. It's like the "how much" and "when" of the money matters.

  4. Responsibilities of the Parties : Here, the agreement outlines the specific duties and obligations of both the artist and the gallery. It's like a list of "do's and don'ts" for each party to follow.

  5. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution : This part establishes the legal framework for the agreement and how any disputes will be resolved. It's like the "rules of the game" and the "referee" for any disagreements.

  6. Miscellaneous : This section covers various additional provisions, such as the entire agreement, amendments, waivers, and assignment. It's like the "fine print" and "extra details" that help make the agreement complete and legally binding.

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