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Event DJ Agreement template
Event DJ Agreement sample

What is Event DJ Agreement?

Event DJ Agreement Outlines the terms for DJ services at an event, specifying music selection, equipment, performance duration, and payment.

Sample template:


This Event DJ Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Agreement Date], by and between StarStruck Soiree ("Client") and BeatsByNight Entertainment ("DJ").


1.1. Event

The DJ is hereby hired to perform and provide musical entertainment services at the event (the "Event") detailed below:


Start Time:

Location and Venue:

1.2. Performance Duration

The DJ's performance and services at the Event will commence at the Start Time and continue for a total duration of [Number of Hours] hours, inclusive of breaks (the "Performance Duration"). The DJ shall arrive at the Event venue at least [Number of Hours] hours prior to the Start Time to set up and conduct soundchecks.


2.1. Musical Preferences and Playlist

The DJ shall collaborate with the Client in advance of the Event to discuss and determine musical preferences and to create an appropriate playlist. The Client agrees to provide the DJ with a list of preferred songs and genres (the "Preferred Music") no later than [Number of Days] days before the Event. The DJ shall adhere to the Preferred Music throughout the Performance Duration. The DJ reserves the right to make reasonable adjustments to the playlist in order to ensure the success of the Event.

2.2. Restricted Music

The Client shall notify the DJ in writing of any music, songs, or genres that are specifically restricted and shall not be played during the Event (the "Restricted Music"). The DJ is not obligated to play any requests made during the Event that fall within the Restricted Music.


3.1. DJ's Equipment

The DJ shall provide all equipment necessary for their performance, including but not limited to sound equipment, lighting, mixing console, laptop, and related accessories (the "Equipment"). The DJ represents and warrants that the Equipment is in good working condition and is adequate and suitable for the Event.

3.2. Client's Equipment

The Client shall provide any additional equipment requested in writing by the DJ, which may include, but is not limited to, tables, chairs, and electrical power. The Client is responsible for ensuring the Event venue is equipped with the necessary facilities and space for the DJ's Equipment.

3.3. Insurance and Liability

The DJ is responsible for maintaining insurance coverage on their Equipment. Any damage or loss of the DJ's Equipment due to Client's negligence shall be the Client's responsibility.


4.1. DJ Fee

The total fee for the DJ's performance and services at the Event shall be $[Amount] (the "DJ Fee"). The DJ Fee includes the Performance Duration, setup time, soundchecks, and travel expenses.

4.2. Deposit

Upon execution of this Agreement, the Client shall pay a non-refundable deposit of $[Amount] (the "Deposit") to the DJ to secure the booking. The Deposit shall be credited towards the DJ Fee. Failure to pay the Deposit within [Number of Days] days after the Agreement Date shall result in termination of this Agreement.

4.3. Balance Payment

The remaining balance of the DJ Fee, less the Deposit, shall be payable to the DJ no later than [Number of Days] days prior to the Event. If the Client fails to pay the balance by this deadline, the DJ has the right to terminate this Agreement and retain the Deposit.


5.1. Cancellation by Client

If the Client cancels the Event for any reason, the Deposit shall be forfeited and the DJ shall have no further obligations under this Agreement. If the Client cancels the Event within [Number of Days] days prior to the Event, the Client shall remain liable for the full DJ Fee.

5.2. Cancellation by DJ

If the DJ is unable to perform at the Event due to illness, injury, or other factors beyond the DJ's control, the DJ shall notify the Client immediately and make reasonable efforts to provide an alternative and qualified event DJ to perform. If no alternative DJ can be provided, the Deposit shall be refunded to the Client in full.

5.3. Termination for Breach

Either party has the right to terminate this Agreement, without penalty or liability, if the other party breaches any material term or condition of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within [Number of Days] days after written notice of the breach.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through good faith negotiations. If the parties are unable to reach an amicable resolution within [Number of Days] days of the initial dispute, either party may seek appropriate legal remedies in the competent courts.


This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and cancels all previous agreements, negotiations, commitments, and writings with respect to its subject matter. No modifications, amendments, or waiver of any terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless made in writing and signed by both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Agreement Date.

_________________________ _________________________
StarStruck Soiree (Client) BeatsByNight Entertainment (DJ)

Ready to Create your own Event DJ Agreement?

Common Sections of an Event DJ Agreement

In this Event DJ Agreement, you will see the following sections:

  1. Event Details
  2. Musical Preferences
  3. Equipment
  4. DJ Fees and Payment Terms
  5. Cancellation and Termination
  6. Governing Law and Disputes
  7. Entire Agreement

Summary of each section:

  1. Event Details : This section outlines the specifics of the event, such as the date, start time, location, and venue. It also covers the duration of the DJ's performance and the time they should arrive for setup and soundchecks.

  2. Musical Preferences : This section explains how the DJ and client will collaborate to create a playlist based on the client's preferred music. It also covers any restricted music that the DJ should not play during the event.

  3. Equipment : This section details the equipment the DJ will provide for their performance, as well as any additional equipment the client must provide. It also addresses insurance and liability for the DJ's equipment.

  4. DJ Fees and Payment Terms : This section outlines the total fee for the DJ's services, including the deposit, balance payment, and any deadlines for payment. It also explains the consequences of failing to meet these payment deadlines.

  5. Cancellation and Termination : This section explains the cancellation policies for both the client and the DJ, including the forfeiture of the deposit and the potential liability for the full DJ fee. It also covers termination of the agreement due to a breach of its terms.

  6. Governing Law and Disputes : This section states that the agreement is governed by the laws of the United States and outlines the process for resolving disputes between the parties, including negotiation and seeking legal remedies in court.

  7. Entire Agreement : This section clarifies that the agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any previous agreements or negotiations. It also states that any modifications or amendments must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

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