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Event Ticketing Agreement template
Event Ticketing Agreement sample

What is Event Ticketing Agreement?

Event Ticketing Agreement An Event Ticketing Agreement formalizes ticketing arrangements for events, specifying ticket pricing, distribution channels, ticket terms, and responsibilities of the ticketing agent.

Sample template:


This Event Ticketing Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Insert Date], by and between Coastal Events Management LLC, a [State] limited liability company, located at [Address] (the "Ticketing Agent") and [Event Organizer's Name], a [State] [Entity Type] located at [Address] (the "Organizer") (collectively, the "Parties").

WHEREAS, the Organizer is engaged in promoting, producing, and organizing an event known as ClamFest 2023 ("Event"), to be held on [Insert Event Date] at [Venue Address]; and

WHEREAS, the Ticketing Agent is engaged in the business of managing ticketing services for events and desires to act as the exclusive ticketing agent for the Event;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:


1.1. Appointment of Ticketing Agent

The Organizer hereby appoints the Ticketing Agent to act as the exclusive ticketing agent for the Event, and the Ticketing Agent hereby accepts such appointment, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Ticketing Agent shall have the exclusive right to manage, sell, distribute, and administer tickets for the Event.


2.1. Ticket Pricing

The Organizer shall determine the pricing for tickets to the Event, including any applicable discounts, promotional offers, and group sales. The Organizer shall promptly notify the Ticketing Agent of the ticket pricing, fees, and any and all related charges by [Insert Date], or another mutually agreed upon date.

2.2. Distribution Channels

The Ticketing Agent shall offer tickets primarily through an online platform accessible to the general public, as well as any other authorized locations, partnerships, or distribution channels as determined by the Organizer. Additionally, the Ticketing Agent shall maintain a box office for walk-up sales at the Event venue.


3.1. Compliance with Laws

The Organizer represents and warrants that all terms and conditions of the Event, including the sale and distribution of tickets, shall comply with all applicable United States federal, state, and local laws, regulations, codes, and ordinances. The Ticketing Agent shall not be liable for any illegal or non-compliant terms and conditions imposed by the Organizer.

3.2. Refund Policy

All tickets for the Event shall be final and non-refundable, regardless of whether the Event is canceled, postponed, or otherwise terminated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Organizer may decide to refund Event tickets in certain circumstances, as determined by the Organizer in its sole discretion.

3.3. Transferability

Tickets for the Event shall be freely transferable but not for resale without the express, written consent of the Organizer. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to any ticket holder who has obtained tickets from unauthorized sources or through unlawful means.


4.1. Ticket Management

The Ticketing Agent shall be responsible for the inventory, sale, and distribution of tickets, including the creation and management of online ticket sales. The Ticketing Agent shall ensure accurate accounting and reporting for all ticket sales and shall provide the Organizer with access to all relevant sales data, reports, and other pertinent information.

4.2. Customer Service

The Ticketing Agent shall provide customer support and assistance to patrons and potential ticket purchasers, including assistance with ticket purchases, refunds, and other related inquiries. The Ticketing Agent shall maintain adequate staffing and appropriate customer support contact information.

4.3. Payment Processing

The Ticketing Agent shall provide all necessary payment processing services related to the sale of tickets, including processing credit card transactions, collecting payments, and remitting the net ticket sale proceeds to the Organizer within ten (10) business days following the Event.


5.1. Term

This Agreement shall commence on the date first written above and shall continue in effect until the completion of the Event unless earlier terminated by either Party pursuant to Section 5.2 ("Termination Rights").

5.2. Termination Rights

Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time before the Event by providing written notice to the other Party if (a) the other Party has materially breached any provision of this Agreement, or (b) the Event is canceled, postponed indefinitely, or otherwise does not take place for any reason.


6.1. Indemnification

Each Party agrees to indemnify and hold the other Party, including its officers, directors, employees, and affiliates, harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, losses, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or relating to the indemnifying Party's breach of any representation, warranty, or covenant contained in this Agreement.


7.1. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the laws of the State of [State] without regard to its conflict of laws principles.

7.2. Dispute Resolution

Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof shall, at the election of either Party, be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.


8.1. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, between the Parties relating thereto.

8.2. Amendments

Any changes to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both Parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Agreement, in duplicate, as of the date first above written.

__________________________ __________________________
[Organizer's Name] Coastal Events Management LLC
By:_____________________ By:_______________________
[Name and Title] [Name and Title]

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Main Sections of an Event Ticketing Agreement

In this Event Ticketing Agreement, you will see the following sections:

  1. Engagement of Ticketing Agent
  2. Ticket Pricing and Distribution
  3. Ticket Sale Terms and Conditions
  4. Responsibilities of Ticketing Agent
  5. Term and Termination
  6. Indemnification
  7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
  8. Miscellaneous

About each Section - Analysis and Summary:

  1. Engagement of Ticketing Agent : This section establishes the relationship between the event organizer and the ticketing agent. The organizer appoints the ticketing agent as the exclusive agent for managing, selling, and distributing tickets for the event. Think of it as hiring a specialized company to handle all ticket-related matters for your event.

  2. Ticket Pricing and Distribution : This section outlines how ticket pricing will be determined by the organizer and communicated to the ticketing agent. It also explains the various channels through which tickets will be sold, such as online platforms and walk-up sales at the event venue. It's like deciding the cost of admission and how people can buy tickets to attend your event.

  3. Ticket Sale Terms and Conditions : This section covers the legal aspects of ticket sales, including compliance with laws, refund policies, and ticket transferability. It ensures that both parties follow the rules and protect themselves from potential legal issues. Imagine it as setting the ground rules for selling and buying tickets to your event.

  4. Responsibilities of Ticketing Agent : This section outlines the specific duties of the ticketing agent, such as managing ticket inventory, providing customer support, and processing payments. It's like a job description for the ticketing agent, detailing what they need to do to ensure a smooth ticketing process for the event.

  5. Term and Termination : This section specifies the duration of the agreement and the conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement. It provides a clear understanding of when the agreement starts, when it ends, and what happens if things don't go as planned.

  6. Indemnification : This section states that each party will protect the other from any legal claims or damages resulting from their actions or breaches of the agreement. It's like a safety net, ensuring that both parties take responsibility for their actions and protect each other from potential legal issues.

  7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution : This section establishes the governing law for the agreement and the process for resolving any disputes that may arise between the parties. It helps to ensure that any disagreements are handled fairly and according to a predetermined set of rules.

  8. Miscellaneous : This section covers various additional terms, such as the entire agreement clause, which states that this document represents the full understanding between the parties, and the amendment clause, which explains how changes to the agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties. It's like a catch-all for any additional terms and conditions that don't fit neatly into the other sections.

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